
-   Hakusana:

Ajankohta St Kutsu Päivitetty kenttä Vanha arvo Uusi arvo
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLStatus (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event Other status makes station hidden.)UNKNOWNQRV
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLStation's WWW site URLempty (null)
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLMode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...)empty (null)DMR
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLResponsible SYSOPempty (null)OH2BUF
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLName of the responsible clubempty (null)Espoon Radiokerho
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLURL of the responsible club's www siteempty (null)
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLCity (location of the station)empty (null)Lohja
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLAntenna alt. above ground level [m]empty (null)100
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLLatitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)60.2746
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLLongitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)24.1254
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLTX frequency [MHz]empty (null)145.575
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLTX power [W]empty (null)20
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLTX ant. polarisation (e.g. H)empty (null)V
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLqtfempty (null)Omni
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLRX ant. polarisation (e.g. V)empty (null)V
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLAccess method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)CC 1
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLDuplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-0,6MHz
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLStation's callsignOH2DMROH2NJR/R
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLStation descriptionempty (null)Repeater in test run, to be OH2DMR
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLqtfempty (null)Omni
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLMaidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)empty (null)KP20BG
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLqtfempty (null)Omni
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLqtfempty (null)Omni
01.08.2020785OH2DMRLRemarksempty (null)In controlled test run, to be OH2DMR

24 riviä / rows.