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Date St Callsign Updated field Old value New value
08.05.2022281OH2RUFURL of the responsible club's www site
08.05.2022281OH2RUFqtfempty (null)North
08.05.2022281OH2RUFRemarksCarrier squelch, access with 1750 or CTCSS.Carrier squelch, access with 1750 or CTCSS. CTCSS also on output.
08.05.2022281OH2RUFData verified (manually updated field)2020-07-25 00:00:002020-07-25
08.05.2022281OH2RUFData verified by2020-07-25 00:00:00oh2ftj
08.05.2022281OH2RUFBACKUP_PWR_HRSempty (null)24
08.05.2022763OH2RUFURL of the responsible club's www site
08.05.2022763OH2RUFqtfempty (null)90

8 riviä / rows.