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26.04.2018765OH4RAFStatus (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event Other status makes station hidden.)UNKNOWNQRV
26.04.2018765OH4RAFMode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...)empty (null)FM
26.04.2018765OH4RAFResponsible SYSOPempty (null)OH5TL, OH7HKS
26.04.2018765OH4RAFAntenna alt. above sea level [m]empty (null)130
26.04.2018765OH4RAFStatus (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event Other status makes station hidden.)QRVHIDDEN
26.04.2018765OH4RAFCity (location of the station)empty (null)Savonlinna
26.04.2018765OH4RAFAntenna alt. above sea level [m]130.000150
26.04.2018765OH4RAFTX power [W]empty (null)20
26.04.2018765OH4RAFTX frequency [MHz]empty (null)145.625
26.04.2018765OH4RAFAccess method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)CTCSS 103,5
26.04.2018765OH4RAFRemarksempty (null)Aseman tunnus löytyy voimassaolevana Ficoran sivulta.
26.04.2018765OH4RAFStatus (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event Other status makes station hidden.)HIDDENQRV
26.04.2018765OH4RAFDuplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-0.600

13 riviä / rows.