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30.10.2024219OH3RTRStatus (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event Other status makes station hidden.)QRVQRT
30.10.2024219OH3RTRSite description(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Linked full-time with 145.750 and 434.850 repeatersTemporarily out of service because of construction work at the TX site,
30.10.2024219OH3RTRqtfempty (null)omni
30.10.2024219OH3RTRData verified (manually updated field)2022-11-26 00:00:002024-10-30
30.10.2024219OH3RTRData verified by2022-11-26 00:00:00oh3bk

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