*) CHIRP is a free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio.
Following JSON interface to the data is available (API V1):
Base URL: /api-v1.php?
API key is not necessary anymore. For backwards compatibility apikey parameter is still accepted while it's not required.
list query (GET parameter query=list)
Returns all repeaters and beacons as JSON of the following format:
{"stations": [ {"id":"123", "type":"1", "name":"station name", ... }, {"id": ...} ] }
liststtypes query (GET parameter query=liststtypes)
Returns station types in the following format:
{"station_types": [{"id":"1", "type_name":"Puhetoistin"}, {"id": ...} ] }
Current JSON fields in list query are available via query: ?query=listfields
id, type, status, mode, name, station_url, stdesc, cwid, qth_city, callsign, locator, wgs84lat, wgs84lon, site_desc, alt_asl, alt_agl, tx_freq, tx_power, tx_ant, tx_antpol, qtf, rx_antenna, rx_antpol, rep_access, rep_shift, band_name, band_shortname, responsible_club, responsible_club_url, remarks, last_modified (listing updated 2015-02-08)
Reference app HAMtower for SailfishOS (written in Qt/QML)
There is basic reference app using this JSON interface available for SailfishOS, please see here for more information.
This service and data may be used for non-commercial HAM radio applications only. Do not overload the service. Avoid unnecessary queries. Sysadmin may restrict/limit access for performance or other reasons. This service (including data) is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.