OH3RTR / Tampere (50MHz/6m)

Ajankohta Päivitetty kenttä Vanha arvo Uusi arvo
30.10.2024Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRVQRToh3bk
30.10.2024Site description(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Linked full-time with 145.750 and 434.850 repeatersTemporarily out of service because of construction work at the TX site,oh3bk
30.10.2024qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
30.10.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2022-11-26 00:00:002024-10-30oh3bk
30.10.2024Data verified by2022-11-26 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
04.12.2022TX power [W]50.0030.00oh3bk
04.12.2022qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
04.12.2022Data verified (manually updated field)2022-11-26 00:00:002022-11-26oh3bk
04.12.2022Data verified by2022-11-26 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
26.11.2022qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
26.11.2022RemarksSplit-site Linked full-time with the 145.750 and 434.850 repeatersSplit-site Linked full-time to 145.750 and 434.850oh3bk
26.11.2022Data verified (manually updated field)2022-11-26 00:00:002022-11-26oh3bk
26.11.2022Data verified by2022-11-26 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
26.11.2022Site description(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Linked full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeaters(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Linked full-time with 145.750 and 434.850 repeatersoh3bk
26.11.2022qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
26.11.2022RemarksSplit-site Linked full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeatersSplit-site Linked full-time with the 145.750 and 434.850 repeatersoh3bk
26.11.2022Data verified (manually updated field)2021-12-15 00:00:002022-11-26oh3bk
26.11.2022Data verified by2021-12-15 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Site descriptionRX Pyynikin näkötornilla, TX Tesoman vesitornilla Kytketty yhteen OH3RNE FM-toistinten kanssa(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Linked full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeatersoh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Remarks(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Connected full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeatersSplit-site Linked full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeatersoh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-12-15 00:00:002021-12-15oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-12-15 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021URL of the responsible club's www sitehttp://oh3tr.ele.tut.fi/http://oh3tr.fi/oh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-12-15 00:00:002021-12-15oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-12-15 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11NNKP11TMoh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021RemarksIn test use, will move QTH(RX) Pyynikki tower KP11UL (TX) Tesoma water tower KP11TM Connected full-time with the OH3RNE FM repeatersoh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-12-15oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11MMKP11NNoh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11TMKP11MMoh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11TNKP11TMoh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
15.12.2021Site descriptionRX Hervannan vesitornissa, TX kerhon mastossaRX Pyynikin näkötornilla, TX Tesoman vesitornilla Kytketty yhteen OH3RNE FM-toistinten kanssaoh3bk
15.12.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11WKKP11TNoh3bk
15.12.2021Antenna alt. above sea level [m]220.000183oh3bk
15.12.2021Antenna alt. above ground level [m]65.00030oh3bk
15.12.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
15.12.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
27.07.2021Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRTQRVoh3bk
27.07.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
27.07.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2021-07-27 00:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
27.07.2021Data verified by2021-07-27 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
27.07.2021Transmitter (TX) antennaAerial modifioitu 80 MHz kylkidipoliJ-poleoh3bk
27.07.2021qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
27.07.2021Receiver (RX) antennaMaailmaa nähnyt magneettipiiska2 stacked dipolesoh3bk
27.07.2021Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)1750 Hz / DTMF *CTCSS 123.0oh3bk
27.07.2021Remarksempty (null)In test use, will move QTHoh3bk
27.07.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2017-11-30 21:00:002021-07-27oh3bk
27.07.2021Data verified by2017-11-30 21:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
01.12.2017Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRVQRToh2gve
01.12.2017qtfempty (null)omnioh2gve
01.12.2017RemarksOptional CTCSS 123.0 Hz if interference keeps the squelch openoh2gve
01.12.2017Data verified (manually updated field)2014-04-19 00:00:002017-12-01oh2gve
01.12.2017Data verified by2014-04-19 00:00:00oh2gveoh2gve
19.04.2014Site descriptionRX Hervannan vesitornissa, TX kerhon katollaRX Hervannan vesitornissa, TX kerhon mastossaoh3bk
19.04.2014qtfempty (null)omnioh3bk
19.04.2014Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)-0,6-0.6oh3bk
19.04.2014Remarksempty (null)Optional CTCSS 123.0 Hz if interference keeps the squelch openoh3bk
19.04.2014Data verified (manually updated field)empty (null)2014-04-19oh3bk
19.04.2014Data verified byempty (null)oh3bkoh3bk
15.04.2014Latitude (WGS84, decimal)61.45340061.45080oh2gve
15.04.2014Longitude (WGS84, decimal)23.83560023.85679oh2gve
15.04.2014Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)1750 Hz piippi tai D1750 Hz / DTMF *oh2gve
15.04.2014Short name for stationTampere (RX) Tampere (TX)Tampereoh2gve
15.04.2014Station's WWW site URLempty (null)http://oh3tr.ele.tut.fi/suomi/oh3rtr.shtmloh2gve
15.04.2014Site descriptionempty (null)RX Hervannan vesitornissa, TX kerhon katollaoh2gve
15.04.2014Name of the responsible clubempty (null)Tampereen teekkarien radiokerhooh2gve
15.04.2014URL of the responsible club's www siteempty (null)http://oh3tr.ele.tut.fi/oh2gve
15.04.2014City (location of the station)empty (null)Tampereoh2gve
15.04.2014Antenna alt. above sea level [m]222.000220.000oh2gve
15.04.2014Antenna alt. above ground level [m]67.00065.000oh2gve
15.04.2014Latitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)61.4534oh2gve
15.04.2014Longitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)23.8356oh2gve
15.04.2014Transmitter (TX) antennaempty (null)Aerial modifioitu 80 MHz kylkidipolioh2gve
15.04.2014Receiver (RX) antennaempty (null)Maailmaa nähnyt magneettipiiskaoh2gve
15.04.2014RX ant. polarisation (e.g. V)empty (null)Voh2gve
15.04.2014Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)1750 Hz piippi tai DTMF *oh2gve
15.04.2014Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-0,6oh2gve
12.02.2014Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP11WK KPKP11WKadmin