06.05.2020 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRV | QRT | oh5hcj |
26.02.2019 | Short name for station | Lappeenranta TX I-Gate | Lappeenranta APRS I-Gate | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | HIDDEN | QRV | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | Short name for station | Lappeenranta | Lappeenranta TX I-Gate | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | Station description | empty (null) | OH5AB Clubstation I-Gate
TX Local WX, Beacons from other repeaters and messages. Also Viscous Digipeater. | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | Site description | Nykyisin APRS digi | | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | Responsible SYSOP | empty (null) | OH5FVY | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | TX frequency [MHz] | 145.80000 | 144.80000 | oh5fvy |
26.02.2019 | TX power [W] | 5.00 | 10.00 | oh5fvy |
23.12.2015 | R.NET CWID (e.g. ES) | LR | | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRT | HIDDEN | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | Site description | empty (null) | Nykyisin APRS digi | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | TX frequency [MHz] | 434.62500 | 145.800 | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | TX power [W] | 10.00 | 5 | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq) | Tone 1750 | | oh5hcj |
23.12.2015 | Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6) | -2.0 | | oh5hcj |
30.11.2014 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRV | QRT | oh5hcj |
01.08.2014 | TX power [W] | 0.00 | 10 | oh5hcj |
17.07.2014 | R.NET CWID (e.g. ES) | empty (null) | LR | oh3hzb |
14.04.2014 | Antenna alt. above sea level [m] | 0.000 | 90 | oh5hcj |
14.04.2014 | Antenna alt. above ground level [m] | 0.000 | 12 | oh5hcj |
14.04.2014 | Latitude (WGS84, decimal) | 61.056000 | 61.05110 | oh5hcj |
14.04.2014 | Longitude (WGS84, decimal) | 28.188999 | 28.22242 | oh5hcj |
12.04.2014 | Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE) | KP41 | KP41CB | oh5hcj |
29.12.2013 | Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6) | empty (null) | -2.0 | admin |
29.12.2013 | Remarks | Part of the RATS R.Net network Input frequency 432.625 (-2.0 split) | | admin |