11.06.2024 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | something else | QRT | oh3bk |
11.06.2024 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh3bk |
11.06.2024 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2014-04-13 20:00:00 | 2014-04-13 | oh3bk |
11.06.2024 | Data verified by | 2014-04-13 20:00:00 | oh3bk | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Name of the responsible club | empty (null) | Tampereen Radioamatöörit ry OH3NE | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | URL of the responsible club's www site | empty (null) | http://oh3ne.ham.fi/ | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | City (location of the station) | empty (null) | Tampere | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2014-04-14 00:00:00 | 2014-04-14 | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Data verified by | 2014-04-14 00:00:00 | oh3bk | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRV | something else | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | TX frequency [MHz] | 144.80000 | | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Data verified (manually updated field) | empty (null) | 2014-04-14 | oh3bk |
14.04.2014 | Data verified by | empty (null) | oh3bk | oh3bk |