30.07.2024 | Site description | Kempele district heating power plant. | Kempele district heating power plant | oh3bk |
30.07.2024 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh3bk |
30.07.2024 | Remarks | Repeater is part of FinDMR DMR network. | Part of FinDMR NG (Brandmeister) network | oh3bk |
30.07.2024 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | 2024-07-30 | oh3bk |
30.07.2024 | Data verified by | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | oh3bk | oh3bk |
16.06.2024 | Short name for station | Oulu DMR | Oulu UHF DMR | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | 2024-06-16 | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified by | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | oh6nvg | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Remarks | empty (null) | Repeater is part of FinDMR DMR network. | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | 2024-06-16 | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified by | 2024-06-16 00:00:00 | oh6nvg | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Site description | Kempele district heating power plant chimney, next to Zeppelin mall. XPR8300. Decreased output power due to PA problems. | Kempele district heating power plant. | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | TX power [W] | 5.00 | 15 | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | 2024-06-16 | oh6nvg |
16.06.2024 | Data verified by | 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | oh6nvg | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Site description | Maikkula Water Tower, Motorola XPR8300 | Kempele district heating power plant chimney, next to Zeppelin mall. XPR8300. Decreased output power due to PA problems. | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE) | KP24SX | KP24SV | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Antenna alt. above sea level [m] | 75.000 | 54 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Antenna alt. above ground level [m] | 55.000 | 45 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Latitude (WGS84, decimal) | 64.995644 | 64.9010 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Longitude (WGS84, decimal) | 25.552429 | 25.5421 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | TX power [W] | 45.00 | 5 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Transmitter (TX) antenna | 2-el dipole | 4-el dipole | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | 2018-04-13 | oh6nvg |
04.12.2022 | Data verified by | 2018-04-13 00:00:00 | oh6nvg | oh6nvg |
02.07.2021 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh2lak |
02.07.2021 | Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq) | CC 1 | CC1 | oh2lak |
02.07.2021 | Data verified (manually updated field) | 2018-04-13 20:00:00 | 2018-04-13 | oh2lak |
02.07.2021 | Data verified by | 2018-04-13 20:00:00 | oh2lak | oh2lak |
30.07.2018 | DMR_ID | NULL | 244801 | oh3hzb |
14.04.2018 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
14.04.2018 | Remarks | In test use with small 2-el yagi beaming north | | oh6nvg |
14.04.2018 | Data verified (manually updated field) | empty (null) | 2018-04-14 | oh6nvg |
14.04.2018 | Data verified by | empty (null) | oh6nvg | oh6nvg |
14.12.2016 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRT | QRV | oh6nvg |
14.12.2016 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
14.12.2016 | Remarks | empty (null) | In test use with small 2-el yagi beaming north | oh6nvg |
13.12.2016 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
13.12.2016 | Remarks | Planned to be installed Aug-Sep 2016. Currently in Kempele as OH8RUA | | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Mode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...) | empty (null) | DMR | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Site description | empty (null) | Maikkula Water Tower, Motorola XPR8300 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Responsible SYSOP | empty (null) | OH6NVG | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Name of the responsible club | empty (null) | OH8AA | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | URL of the responsible club's www site | empty (null) | http://oh8aa.sral.fi | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | City (location of the station) | empty (null) | Oulu | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE) | empty (null) | KP24SX | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Antenna alt. above sea level [m] | empty (null) | 75 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Antenna alt. above ground level [m] | empty (null) | 55 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Latitude (WGS84, decimal) | empty (null) | 64.99564 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Longitude (WGS84, decimal) | empty (null) | 25.55243 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | TX power [W] | empty (null) | 45 | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Transmitter (TX) antenna | empty (null) | 2-el dipole | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | qtf | empty (null) | Omni | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Receiver (RX) antenna | empty (null) | 4-el dipole | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | Remarks | empty (null) | Planned to be installed Aug-Sep 2016. Currently in Kempele as OH8RUA | oh6nvg |
17.08.2016 | TX frequency [MHz] | empty (null) | 434.575 | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | TX ant. polarisation (e.g. H) | empty (null) | V | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | RX ant. polarisation (e.g. V) | empty (null) | V | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq) | empty (null) | CC 1 | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6) | empty (null) | -2.0 | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | QRV | QRT | oh2lak |
17.08.2016 | Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.) | UNKNOWN | QRV | oh2lak |