OH8RMD / Oulu UHF DMR (433MHz/70cm)

Ajankohta Päivitetty kenttä Vanha arvo Uusi arvo
30.07.2024Site descriptionKempele district heating power plant.Kempele district heating power plantoh3bk
30.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh3bk
30.07.2024RemarksRepeater is part of FinDMR DMR network.Part of FinDMR NG (Brandmeister) networkoh3bk
30.07.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2024-06-16 00:00:002024-07-30oh3bk
30.07.2024Data verified by2024-06-16 00:00:00oh3bkoh3bk
16.06.2024Short name for stationOulu DMROulu UHF DMRoh6nvg
16.06.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2024-06-16 00:00:002024-06-16oh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified by2024-06-16 00:00:00oh6nvgoh6nvg
16.06.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
16.06.2024Remarksempty (null)Repeater is part of FinDMR DMR network.oh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2024-06-16 00:00:002024-06-16oh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified by2024-06-16 00:00:00oh6nvgoh6nvg
16.06.2024Site descriptionKempele district heating power plant chimney, next to Zeppelin mall. XPR8300. Decreased output power due to PA problems.Kempele district heating power plant.oh6nvg
16.06.2024TX power [W]5.0015oh6nvg
16.06.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2018-04-13 00:00:002024-06-16oh6nvg
16.06.2024Data verified by2018-04-13 00:00:00oh6nvgoh6nvg
04.12.2022Site descriptionMaikkula Water Tower, Motorola XPR8300Kempele district heating power plant chimney, next to Zeppelin mall. XPR8300. Decreased output power due to PA problems.oh6nvg
04.12.2022Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)KP24SXKP24SVoh6nvg
04.12.2022Antenna alt. above sea level [m]75.00054oh6nvg
04.12.2022Antenna alt. above ground level [m]55.00045oh6nvg
04.12.2022Latitude (WGS84, decimal)64.99564464.9010oh6nvg
04.12.2022Longitude (WGS84, decimal)25.55242925.5421oh6nvg
04.12.2022TX power [W]45.005oh6nvg
04.12.2022Transmitter (TX) antenna2-el dipole4-el dipoleoh6nvg
04.12.2022qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
04.12.2022Data verified (manually updated field)2018-04-13 00:00:002018-04-13oh6nvg
04.12.2022Data verified by2018-04-13 00:00:00oh6nvgoh6nvg
02.07.2021qtfempty (null)Omnioh2lak
02.07.2021Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)CC 1CC1oh2lak
02.07.2021Data verified (manually updated field)2018-04-13 20:00:002018-04-13oh2lak
02.07.2021Data verified by2018-04-13 20:00:00oh2lakoh2lak
14.04.2018qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
14.04.2018RemarksIn test use with small 2-el yagi beaming northoh6nvg
14.04.2018Data verified (manually updated field)empty (null)2018-04-14oh6nvg
14.04.2018Data verified byempty (null)oh6nvgoh6nvg
14.12.2016Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRTQRVoh6nvg
14.12.2016qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
14.12.2016Remarksempty (null)In test use with small 2-el yagi beaming northoh6nvg
13.12.2016qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
13.12.2016RemarksPlanned to be installed Aug-Sep 2016. Currently in Kempele as OH8RUAoh6nvg
17.08.2016Mode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...)empty (null)DMRoh6nvg
17.08.2016Site descriptionempty (null)Maikkula Water Tower, Motorola XPR8300oh6nvg
17.08.2016Responsible SYSOPempty (null)OH6NVGoh6nvg
17.08.2016Name of the responsible clubempty (null)OH8AAoh6nvg
17.08.2016URL of the responsible club's www siteempty (null)http://oh8aa.sral.fioh6nvg
17.08.2016City (location of the station)empty (null)Ouluoh6nvg
17.08.2016Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)empty (null)KP24SXoh6nvg
17.08.2016Antenna alt. above sea level [m]empty (null)75oh6nvg
17.08.2016Antenna alt. above ground level [m]empty (null)55oh6nvg
17.08.2016Latitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)64.99564oh6nvg
17.08.2016Longitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)25.55243oh6nvg
17.08.2016TX power [W]empty (null)45oh6nvg
17.08.2016Transmitter (TX) antennaempty (null)2-el dipoleoh6nvg
17.08.2016qtfempty (null)Omnioh6nvg
17.08.2016Receiver (RX) antennaempty (null)4-el dipoleoh6nvg
17.08.2016Remarksempty (null)Planned to be installed Aug-Sep 2016. Currently in Kempele as OH8RUAoh6nvg
17.08.2016TX frequency [MHz]empty (null)434.575oh2lak
17.08.2016TX ant. polarisation (e.g. H)empty (null)Voh2lak
17.08.2016RX ant. polarisation (e.g. V)empty (null)Voh2lak
17.08.2016Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)CC 1oh2lak
17.08.2016Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-2.0oh2lak
17.08.2016Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRVQRToh2lak
17.08.2016Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)UNKNOWNQRVoh2lak