OH6RVC / Lapua (145MHz/2m)

Date Updated field Old value New value
29.07.2024Station's callsignOH6RACOH6RVCoh3hzb
29.07.2024Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)Tone 1750oh3hzb
29.07.2024Data verified (manually updated field)2021-02-18 00:00:002021-02-18oh3hzb
29.07.2024Data verified by2021-02-18 00:00:00oh3hzboh3hzb
07.01.2023Latitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)62.957500oh3hzb
07.01.2023Longitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)22.951500oh3hzb
07.01.2023Data verified (manually updated field)2021-02-18 00:00:002021-02-18oh3hzb
07.01.2023Data verified by2021-02-18 00:00:00oh3hzboh3hzb
18.02.2021Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)empty (null)KP12LWoh3bk
18.02.2021Data verified (manually updated field)empty (null)2021-02-18oh3bk
18.02.2021Data verified byempty (null)oh3bkoh3bk
01.03.2019Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)HIDDENQRVoh7t
28.02.2019RemarksMahdollisesti Lapuan kerhon toistinasema, toistaiseksi ei virallisia tietoja. Lähinnä taajuussuunnittelun vuoksi tänne listalle. /Temeoh7t
01.01.2019City (location of the station)empty (null)Lapuaoh7t
01.01.2019Name of the responsible clubOH6RAC?OH6ACoh7t
01.01.2019Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)UNKNOWNHIDDENoh7t
01.01.2019Name of the responsible clubempty (null)OH6RAC?oh7t
01.01.2019TX frequency [MHz]empty (null)145.650oh7t
01.01.2019Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-0.6oh7t
01.01.2019Remarksempty (null)Mahdollisesti Lapuan kerhon toistinasema, toistaiseksi ei virallisia tietoja. Lähinnä taajuussuunnittelun vuoksi tänne listalle. /Temeoh7t