OH2DMRR / Raasepori DMR (433MHz/70cm)

Ajankohta Päivitetty kenttä Vanha arvo Uusi arvo
09.10.2023Station's WWW site URLhttp://oh2ch.org/http://oh2ch.fi/oh2lak
09.10.2023URL of the responsible club's www sitehttp://oh2ch.org/http://oh2ch.fi/oh2lak
09.10.2023qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to southoh2lak
10.09.2021Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south.Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Tower shadow to south.oh2njr
10.09.2021qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to southoh2njr
02.07.2021qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to southoh2lak
02.07.2021Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)CC1, 118.8HzCC1 / CTCSS 118.8Hzoh2lak
02.07.2021Site descriptionTelia Ltd communication towerTelia Towers communication tower in Harparskogoh2lak
02.07.2021Name of the responsible clubOH2CHEspoon Radiokerho r.y. OH2CHoh2lak
02.07.2021qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to southoh2lak
02.07.2021Transmitter (TX) antennaAV1914 10dBiAerial quad dipole array AV1914 10dBioh2lak
02.07.2021qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to southoh2lak
02.07.2021Receiver (RX) antennaAV1914 10dBiAerial quad dipole array AV1914 10dBioh2lak
19.04.2021Station's callsignOH2DMROH2DMRRoh2lak
19.04.2021qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to Soh2lak
22.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south. 19.07.2020 MMDVM modem failure.. only FM mode!Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south.oh2njr
22.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to Soh2njr
20.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south.Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south. 19.07.2020 MMDVM modem failure.. only FM mode!oh2njr
20.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to Soh2njr
20.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to south.oh2njr
20.07.2020Antenna alt. above sea level [m]95.000100.000oh2njr
20.07.2020Antenna alt. above ground level [m]55.00060.000oh2njr
20.07.2020Transmitter (TX) antennaempty (null)AV1914 10dBioh2njr
20.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to Soh2njr
20.07.2020Receiver (RX) antennaempty (null)AV1914 10dBioh2njr
09.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Tower shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.oh2njr
09.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
09.07.2020Site descriptionTelia Ltd cellular towerTelia Ltd communication toweroh2njr
09.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Site descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.Telia Ltd cellular toweroh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Maidenhead locator (e.g. KP20KE)empty (null)KO19PWoh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020RemarksRepeater is part of FinDMR DMR network. Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)Repeater is part of FinDMR NG (Brandmeister) DMR Network. Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020RemarksLocal FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)Repeater is part of FinDMR DMR network. Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)oh2njr
08.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg. Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Remarksempty (null)Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)oh2njr
08.07.2020Station descriptionRaasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg. Local FM repeater available for testing when no DMR activity is present (Access CTCSS 118.8hz TX+RX)oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Antenna alt. above sea level [m]75.00095.000oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Antenna alt. above sea level [m]empty (null)75oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020Latitude (WGS84, decimal)59.00000059.9466667oh2njr
08.07.2020Longitude (WGS84, decimal)23.00000023.2850000oh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow to NEoh2njr
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow tooh2lak
08.07.2020Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)UNKNOWNQRVoh2lak
08.07.2020Station descriptionempty (null)Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.oh2lak
08.07.2020Station's WWW site URLempty (null)http://oh2ch.org/oh2lak
08.07.2020Mode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...)empty (null)DMR, FMoh2lak
08.07.2020Site descriptionempty (null)Raasepori/Harparskog (Tammisaari/Hanko). Yaesu DR1XE + STM32-DVM Hat on Raspberry-PI 3B+. Mast shadow to NE, between 030-90deg.oh2lak
08.07.2020Responsible SYSOPempty (null)OH2NJRoh2lak
08.07.2020Name of the responsible clubempty (null)OH2CHoh2lak
08.07.2020URL of the responsible club's www siteempty (null)http://oh2ch.org/oh2lak
08.07.2020City (location of the station)empty (null)Harparskogoh2lak
08.07.2020Antenna alt. above ground level [m]empty (null)55oh2lak
08.07.2020Latitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)59,946659oh2lak
08.07.2020Longitude (WGS84, decimal)empty (null)23,285oh2lak
08.07.2020TX frequency [MHz]empty (null)434.550oh2lak
08.07.2020TX power [W]empty (null)30oh2lak
08.07.2020TX ant. polarisation (e.g. H)empty (null)Voh2lak
08.07.2020qtfempty (null)Omni, tower shadow tooh2lak
08.07.2020RX ant. polarisation (e.g. V)empty (null)Voh2lak
08.07.2020Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)empty (null)CC1, 118.8Hzoh2lak
08.07.2020Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-2,0oh2lak