Status (QRV/QRT) | QRV |
TX frequency | 434.800 MHz |
TX power | 50 W |
Mode | FM |
TX antenna pol. | V |
RX antenna pol | V |
Vesijako R.Net repeater OH3RUD is operated by the Padasjoki Scientific Research Society (Padasjoen Tieteellinen Tutkimusseura, PTT), Responsible Station Manager is Michael Fletcher, OH2AUE, Second Station Manager is Mika Karimäki, OH3KLJ
Repeater specific
Access method | Tone 1750 |
TX/RX offset [MHz] | -2.0 MHz |
QTH city/town | Padasjoki |
Maidenhead locator | KP21MI |
Coordinates (WGS84) | 61.3542, 25.0417 |
Altitude ASL [m] | 241 m |
Altitude AGL [m] | 98 m |
Site description | Vesijako TSF |
Remarks | Currently not connected to R.NET. |
Responsible person / club
Data verified: 00/0000 (oh3hzb)
Last modified: 30.05.2015 16:36