OH8DMRO / Oulu Linnanmaa DMR (433MHz/70cm)

Ajankohta Päivitetty kenttä Vanha arvo Uusi arvo
29.07.2024Station descriptionMotorola DR3000, Sinclair Q-3330E duplexer, Kathrein K7514217 antenna.Motorola DR3000, Sinclair Q-3330E duplexer, Kathrein K7514221 antenna.oh8hql
29.07.2024Transmitter (TX) antennaKathrein K7514217Kathrein K7514221oh8hql
29.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh8hql
29.07.2024Receiver (RX) antennaKathrein K7514217Kathrein K7514221oh8hql
29.07.2024Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)HIDDENQRVoh8hql
29.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh8hql
29.07.2024RemarksQRT, huollettavanaRepeater is part of FinDMR NG (Brandmeister) DMR Network. oh8hql
29.07.2024Station descriptionempty (null)Motorola DR3000, Sinclair Q-3330E duplexer, Kathrein K7514217 antenna.oh8hql
29.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh8hql
29.07.2024Site descriptionempty (null)On top of OH8TA club houseoh8hql
29.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh8hql
29.07.2024Transmitter (TX) antennaempty (null)Kathrein K7514217oh8hql
29.07.2024qtfempty (null)Omnioh8hql
29.07.2024Receiver (RX) antennaempty (null)Kathrein K7514217oh8hql
29.07.2024RX ant. polarisation (e.g. V)empty (null)Voh8hql
29.07.2024Short name for stationOulu LinnanmaaOulu Linnanmaa DMRoh8hql
29.07.2024Responsible SYSOPempty (null)OH8HQLoh8hql
29.07.2024Name of the responsible clubempty (null)OH8TAoh8hql
29.07.2024URL of the responsible club's www siteempty (null)https://oh8ta.fi/oh8hql
29.07.2024Station's callsignOH8RUDOH8DMROoh8hql
29.07.2024R.NET CWID (e.g. ES)OUoh8hql
29.07.2024Short name for stationOuluOulu Linnanmaaoh8hql
29.07.2024Mode (CW, FM, NFM, ATV...)FMDMRoh8hql
29.07.2024City (location of the station)empty (null)Ouluoh8hql
29.07.2024Antenna alt. above sea level [m]250.00040.000oh8hql
29.07.2024Antenna alt. above ground level [m]40.00025.000oh8hql
29.07.2024Latitude (WGS84, decimal)65.06016565.06059471829238oh8hql
29.07.2024Longitude (WGS84, decimal)25.47300025.47346434354632oh8hql
29.07.2024TX frequency [MHz]434.97500438.075oh8hql
29.07.2024TX power [W]50.0025.00oh8hql
29.07.2024Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)CTCSS 114.8CC 1oh8hql
29.07.2024Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)-2.0-5.0oh8hql
19.07.2024Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRTHIDDENoh8hql
23.02.2023Status (QRV or QRT. If EVENT, shown on event rep.page. Other status makes station hidden.)QRVQRToh3hzb
23.02.2023Remarksempty (null)QRT, huollettavanaoh3hzb
13.08.2014Latitude (WGS84, decimal)65.01699865.06016667oh9mbs
13.08.2014Longitude (WGS84, decimal)25.46699925.473oh9mbs
17.07.2014R.NET CWID (e.g. ES)empty (null)OUoh3hzb
01.07.2014Access method (tone or CTCSS and freq)Tone 1750CTCSS 114.8oh3hzb
01.07.2014Duplex freq. shift in MHz (e.g. -1.6)empty (null)-2.0oh3hzb
27.12.2013RemarksPart of the RATS R.Net networkadmin