OH7RAC-2 / Koli (145MHz/2m)

Status (QRV/QRT) QRT
Station's website145MHz/2m OH7RAC-2's website
TX frequency144.675 MHz
TX power10 W
Mode1200 AFSK
TX antenna4 x dipole array
TX antenna pol.H
RX antenna4 x dipole array
RX antenna polH

Thenet 1200 b packet node and crosslink gateway to G8BPQ node OH7RAC and to other 2m and 6m packet network EmCom nodes.


QTH city/townKoli, Lieksa
Maidenhead locatorKP43VC
Coordinates (WGS84)63.0960, 29.8056
Altitude ASL [m]315 m
Altitude AGL [m]10 m
Site description


RemarksThenet 1200 b packet node and crosslink gateway to G8BPQ node OH7RAC and to other 2m and 6m packet network EmCom nodes. Battery backupped.

Digimode and packet network: http://nodemap.g8bpq.net:81/

Responsible person / club

Responsible clubSRT ry
Responsible sysopOH7HJ@HOTMAIL.COM


  Radio Mail Server / G8BPQ

Last modified: 27.10.2020 10:32


OH7RAC-6 Koli (50MHz/6m)
OH7RAL Koli (145MHz/2m)
OH7DMRL Koli DMR (433MHz/70cm)
OH7RDL Lieksa (145MHz/2m)
OH7DMR Joensuu DMR (433MHz/70cm)
OH7RAB Joensuu (145MHz/2m)
OH7RDB Joensuu (145MHz/2m)
OH7RAJ Joensuu (145MHz/2m)
OH7RUB Joensuu (433MHz/70cm)

9 asemaa (max: 15)